Over at Stitched in Color Rachel is hosting a mosaic contest sponsored by Lark Cottons. I’ve never tried my hand at creating a fabric mosaic before, I’ve really always stuck to collections when it came to using a mix of fabrics in my sewing. So, always willing to try my hand at something new, I thought I’d give it a go.
The theme of the mosaic is Sweet Contrary. According to Rachel’s description the fabric collection should include a contrast of warm red, pink or orange vs. cool colors like aqua, gray, teal or blue. These are my sort of colours. They remind me of spring, of summer and most of all of sunny days by the sea that end in spectacular sunsets.
I’ve played around with the fabrics and the Mosaic Maker tool and come up with the following two mosaics.
The first is influenced by the spring colours appearing around me at the moment. Delicate pinks and oranges reminiscent of spring blossoms with hints of fresh green growth. The second is more a vision of summer days to come as colours become more vibrant, when sunsets are unmatched in their glory, their colours reflect off the water and echo those in blooms all around.