And yet again it all turned very quiet over here on my blog, and that can mean only one thing: summer’s here! Summer officially arrived here June 21st but in reality it has been here for quite some time and with the sunshine comes my summer sewing slowdown.

When the good weather arrives here we’re all about garden time. The boys often spend hours in our little pool and when they are splashing about I spend most of my time outdoors keeping an eye. Sometimes I garden, sometimes I bring some EPP or other handcraft with me and sometimes I just bring my kindle, as the summer is one time I really enjoy doing a lot of reading.

Sewing in the sun | Mud, Pies and Pins

The one constant is that we slowdown. The end of the school year is nigh and all are tired, not helped perhaps by the slew of apéros and events held in celebration of the year that has passed and all that has been achieved. We are more than happy to just laze about when we can, enjoying the long hot days and the gentle breezes in the shade.

I do have some sewing plans for the summer, but most will be portable projects and I imagine my sewing room, which is far too warm to work comfortably in most days, will remain quiet for much of the summer.

Sewing in the sun | Mud, Pies and Pins

My Seoda quilt is nearing completion. The top is done and I have just finished all of the blocks for the facing. While I am eager to see this one finished I have little interest in basting or quilting in this weather so I will probably slowly take out the papers over the coming weeks and then allow it to sit in the corner till cooler days arrive.

Seoda Quilt | Mud, Pies and Pins

I am hoping to make some progress on my Sun Print Quilt this summer. It has remained on the sidelines for the past few weeks as I am running low on background fabric but I am planning to get more ordered before I run out completely and will hopefully make some more progress on it over the coming months.

Sewing in the sun | Mud, Pies and Pins

Hand quilting is something that I have been practicing a little of late on my Sun Print cushion cover to be. I’m not rushing this one and am really enjoying the whole process. It’s probably not the most portable of projects right now as I am constantly changing thread colour and don’t have 28wt on bobbins yet to make the thread more portable. That said I’m almost finished with the coloured portion of the quilting so it will definitely be easier to work on when I all I need is a single spool of 28wt aurifil 2026.

Hand Quilting | Mud, Pies and Pins

The last project I hope to get working on this summer is one that is still in the planning stages, but one that I hope to start working on soon. With my Seoda Quilt nearing completion I plan on starting in on another Liberty EPP project. This quilt will be very much in the style of the block a day projects that I see doing the rounds so frequently. I have started to draft out ideas for the first set of blocks and have picked out and ordered my background fabrics. Over the next couple of weeks I will work on block designs and by the time my fabric arrives I should be have the first batch of papers printed and cut out, ready to work with.

What about you? Do you also having a sewing slowdown during the summer months, and if so what fun projects will you be working on?


2 thoughts on “The Summer Sewing Slowdown

  1. I definitely have a summer slow down as well. I like that you embrace the outdoors and spend so much time enjoying the lovely weather. It can just be too hot to justify standing near an iron!

  2. I just found your blog and this post rings true to me. Different sewing for different seasons keeps us fresh and because I add in gardening in nice weather I always have something to look forward to whatever the weather. Its a nice rhythm and I am glad to not have air conditioning.

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