We’re well into the Spring holidays here now, the sun continues to shine and the fifth week of lockdown is behind us. It’s been a busy week in many ways. While it is staycation time for the boys, I still have home office so my mornings are filled with computer time. After that I have been trying to keep our afternoons as carefree as possible so that it feels somewhat like holidays here.

There are or course all of the usual household jobs to stay on top of, and the garden continues to keep us busy with little tasks each day. All of the seeds that I have planted have sprouted now. We have a selection of tomatoes and chillies freshly repotted and growing away indoors. Outdoors there are radishes, carrots and peas that must, along with the rest of the garden, be watered daily as we have not seen rain in over a month.

I’ve also been baking a lot. I set myself a challenge this week of baking a new bread each day. I’m enjoying learning how to make and bake new breads and the boys aren’t complaining as they get a new treat each lunch time.

I have finally started to work on the Countdown Quilt again. My original plan was to have it finished in May, in time for my birthday celebrations. Over the past weeks I found myself completely disillusioned with the whole project as I really don’t want to do any celebrating in May now. However, I have come up with a new plan. I will finish the originally planned 100 blocks by my original May deadline. After that I am going to continue working on the quilt top and make another 10 or 20 blocks and hope, that by the time they are done, I might finally be able to get together with all the family and celebrate all we will have missed celebrating over these weeks and months.

Next week sees the first easing of the restrictions here. Garden centers and diy stores will be the first shops to reopen and while I look forward to picking up some more bits and pieces for the garden, I think I will wait a few weeks as I suspect the shops will be exceptionally busy at the start and with social distancing measure still in place I do not fancy queueing for a few packets of seeds and potting compost. Hair salons are also reopening here next week, but I won’t need one as I decided I had had more than enough of my straggly long hair last week and took the scissors to it myself.

After that the schools are currently rescheduled to reopen on May 11th. As this is the last week of the school holidays that means that the boys will be getting back to a couple more weeks of remote learning next week. I’m sure it will take a bit of getting used to again but I’m sure we’ll get there. I will hopefully be able to stick to doing homeoffice for at least a few more weeks after that. Much and all as I enjoy my work commute, I’m in no rush to get back to train travel just yet.
Until next week, stay home and stay safe!