It’s Thursday (or it would have been if I had pressed publish and not save as draft!) and I am only just finding time to sit down a write a few lines. It’s only a short update this week as shopping beckons. One of the boys forgot to mention he had to do some cooking as part of his school work this week so I reckoned I might as well get next week’s shopping done today. I have to try and get back into the swing of school week shopping again, stocking up more for snack boxes and less for food at home. The boys only come home for lunch twice a week as they go to Tagesschule (day school) on the days I am usually in the office. Although I am going to keep doing homeoffice until June they will still be going to Tagesschule because I reckon if I am going to be paying for it anyway they may as well go and it will lighten the load for me a bit.
It’s been a busy old week here. My work time has taken quite a chunk out of the week. The good weather returned which meant we could get back out into the garden, and that of course brought it’s own workload. Amongst other things the grass needed a good cutting as it had spring up thanks to all the rain. It’s all neat and tidy again and while I had hope to move on to the raised garden beds next and get all my seedlings and seed planted out I may need to put some of those plans on hold for a few days. The blue sky, warm spring days we are currently enjoying, with temperatures in the low 20s, should be the perfect time for the planting but with the possibility of snow forecast for Monday I may need to wait just a little bit longer.
I am flying through the final countdown quilt block, mostly thanks to some very late night sewing. There are only four blocks left to finish and all going well I will get those done over the next week.
All my other projects have been on hold for the past few weeks as I push to finish this and while I miss working on different crafts as the mood takes me I also enjoy the focus that comes from just working on one project/craft. Once the currently planned blocks are finished, I will take a little break to plan the next few, and finish up some other projects.
I will be interesting to see what next week brings as the boys get back to school and we slowly get back to our more usual routines. Thankfully we will be easing in with no early morning starts and no homework (not that there ever is much to begin with), for the first few weeks, and I would hope that by the time I get around to popping in here next week we will be getting into the swing of things again.
Until then, stay safe!