The months have flown by since I first started working on my Liberty dragonflies and while I had hoped to finish writing the long promised patterns some time ago life, as usual, got in the way.
The first school term has come and gone and with it all of the readjustments to new schedules as one started school and one moved up a class.
Our summer was seemingly neverending with week after week of glorious sunshine which kept us outdoors and making the most of it. Even now, with autumn upon us and our autumn holiday break almost finished, we are still enjoying warm sunshine filled days and are still out in our t-shirts enjoying the sunshine when we can.
But as all good things must come to an end, the cooler days are slowly creeping in and lately I have found more and more oppertunities to sit at my computer and work on pattern writing and I am happy to say that I have finally managed to complete the set of long promisied dragonfly patterns.
The patterns are availabe to purchase over in my payhip store, either singly, or as a complete set. I have really enjoyed working on them and look forward to seeing how others find the patterns and what they will make with them.
My little collection is destined to become a quilt top and while I am still working on making a few more to add to the quilt top collection I find myself already thinking about maybe stitching one to a t-shirt, a bag or maybe to a cushion.
Will you try your hand at making some dragonflies, and if you do what do you plan to do with yours? Whatever you do I do hope you will share some photos of your beautiful creations as I would love to see them.
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