Hello, and welcome to my blog: Mud, Pies and Pins.
I’m Paula, a mum of two fast growing boys and, although I’m Irish, I’m now living in Switzerland and I am now also Swiss. I initally started this blog for myself. It was to be a way to keep track of my creations and to share them with those closest to me. I soon found myself sharing to a wider audience as I started to join in on various online events and have discovered that I really enjoy sharing and connecting with that larger audience.
As time progresses I expect that my creations are likely to be many and varied and the content of my blog will vary accordingly. I love to garden, to cook and to bake just as much as I do to sew, to knit and do needlework, and my boys are often by my side, helping out with all of my endevoure, or trying some of their own.
When it comes to handwork I often find myself concentrating on one creative art or another at any given time. In winter the knitting needles often come out as new jumpers or hats are needed by my boys. In summer I often take up my cross stitching, it is easily portable and perfect for summer holidays. In 2011 I discoverd a love of quilting and for sewing more than just clothes and curtains.
I dove in at the deep end when it came to quilting, not only teaching myself how to quilt but also designing my own projects right from the start. Over the years I have continuously developed my quilting skills and have garnered a real love for English Paper Piecing (EPP) in particular as well as for EPP quilt design. I have also found that as I do more “slow sewing” blogging becomes harder as there is inevitably less to share but I hope that this journey will continue long into the future, even if it is a sporadic journey at times.
Thank you for taking the time to visit and I hope that you will enjoy reading about my many and varied experiences as I journey through a world filled with mud, pies and pins.
Please note that this blog does not receive sponsorship in any form and as such all of the thoughts expressed are my own. When I feel it is relevant I will share links to other crafters, to designers, to online shops and more in the interest of sharing knowledge about my creations.