It’s that time of year again, time to pop over to visit with Beth over at Plum and June as she hosts the 2014 New Modern Quilt Blogger “let’s qet acquainted” Blog Hop. This is a great fun blog hop that is not only a wonderful way to discover new quilt bloggers and learn all about them, but is also a great source of information as each blogger joining in the hop shares their tips and tricks for both quilting and blogging.
This year I’m lucky enough to be joining in the fun and I will be sharing lots with you all next week when the hop swings by here on June 11th. In the meantime do hop on over to Plum and June where you will find the links to all of those taking part in the hop today, the links that will let you discover some wonderful new bloggers and find out all about them and about the tips and tricks they have to share
left it too late to join in but looking forward to finding some new blogs