It’s 7:30am. The skies are blue. The sun and the temperatures are slowly rising. One is at a school sleepover. The other is on his way to school. My husband has left for work and I don’t need to turn my computer on and start my home office for at least 45 minutes. Just enough time to enjoy a nice early morning coffee in the garden with some hand quilting.

I start by taking my coffee on a stroll around our little garden, checking out what’s in bloom.

Crocosmia flowers against a background of vines
White and purple lavender in bloom
Lavender and curry plant in flower

I notice the wild strawberries are still in full production mode and make a mental not to pick some later in the day.

Wild strawberry plants covered with fruit and flowers

And then I sit down and sew for a while to the sounds of the birds chirping away in the trees and the cockerel next door happily joining in (yes, I live in the city but that doesn’t mean there can’t be chickens).

A view over a hand quilting piece on a picnic table to trees in the corner of a garden

But wait, there’s more. What I’m less likely to tell you is that there is also the intermittent of a neighbour cutting their grass – yes that early in the morning. There are the trains that pass by on the lines behind the house.

Pink roses growing through scaffolding

And then there are the hammers and drills and all sorts of other construction sounds popping in and out, because the reality is that we do live in the city. As cities are forever changing there is a construction site across the road and it has radically changed some of our view. But we too are changing, so we have our own work going on and our own noises to add to the cacophony of city sounds.

A hand quilting piece and coffee mug on a picnic table with scaffolding clad buildings in the background

So yes the pictures can be pretty, but never forget that behind every pretty picture there is always a reality. My reality at the moment is often noisy, it is surrounded by scaffolding and it is sometimes quite messy. It is still pretty though!

Red hydrangea flowers against scaffolding

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